فایل شماره 6202 |
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پیوست: نقشهها
نقشه شماره ۱: شرق نزدیک در زمان خسروپرویز
نقشه شماره ۲: قسطنطنیه و شهرهای اطراف آن در زمان خسروپرویز
نقشه شماره ۳: غرب و شمال غرب ایران در زمان خسروپرویز
This thesis concerns the comparative study of Shahname with the Byzantine, Armenian and Syrian Sources From the beginning of Bahram Chubin’s Rebellion to the death of Khosrow Parviz. The Reign of Khosrow Pariz Includes Many important events that have influenced the history of Iran and Byzantium severely and many sources have refered to. Each of these sources consists of special parts of that period and some of them argue about the whole or a big part of that. Therefore, one can find some similarities and differences regarding many events that have been studied thoroughly on this thesis. Furthermore, the new studies have been also used and the researcher has mentioned his own ideas in addition to perusing them. Ferdowsi’s Shahname has so much information concerning the rebellion of Bahram Chubin, but it has little information about the wars of Sasanian Iran with the Eastern Rome in that time. So, one must find most of the information from the Byzantine, Armenian and Syrian sources that rather have hostile attitudes toward Khosrow Parviz and the Iranian people, especially the Byzantin Sources whose country was involved in a great battle with Iran and had lost vast parts of its eastern territories. Some of the Syrian sources reveal some important information regarding the Nestorian church and the position of Christians in Iran at that time. One can also extract much invaluable information from the Armenian sources, concerning Armenia in the reign of Khosrow Parviz.
University of Tehran
Faculty of Literature and Humanities
The comparative Study of Ferdowsi’s Shahname with the Byzantine, Armenian and Syrian sources about the reign of Khosrow Parviz
By: Jamshid Ghahremani
Under Supervision of Roozbeh Zarrinkoob
A thesis submitted to the Graduate Studies
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Degree of Master of Arts in
The history of Ancient Iran
Bahman 1392
پیگولفسکایا، نینا، ایران و بیزانس در سدههای ششم و هفتم میلادی، ترجمهی کامبیز میربهاء، تهران: ققنوس، ۱۳۹۱٫
– Palmer, Andrew, The Seventh Century in the West-Syrian Chronicles, Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1993. ↑
– Greatrex, G. and Samuel N.C.Lieu, The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian wars, London and New York: Routledge, 2002. ↑
– Howard-Johnston, James, witnesses to a world crisis: historians and histories of the Middle East in the seventh century, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. ↑
– شهبازی، علیرضا شاپور، تاریخ ساسانیان، ترجمهی بخش ساسانیان از کتاب تاریخ طبری و مقایسه آن با تاریخ بلعمی، تهران: مرکز نشر دانشگاهی، ۱۳۸۹٫ ↑
– پریشروی، عباس، برابرنهاد شاهنامه فردوسی و غررالسیر ثعالبی، تهران: بنیاد موقوفات دکتر محود افشار یزدی، ۱۳۹۰٫ ↑
– فردوسی، ابوالقاسم، شاهنامه، به کوشش جلال خالقی مطلق، تهران: مرکز دائره المعارف بزرگ اسلامی، دفترهای هفتم و هشتم، ۱۳۸۶٫ ↑
– Theophylact Simocatta, The History of Theophylact Simocatta, translated by Michael and Mary Whitby, Oxford and New York: Oxford university press, 1986. ↑
– پیگولفسکایا، ۱۳۹۱، ۱۹-۱۸٫ ↑
– Evagrius, The Ecclesiastical history of Evagrius scholasticus, translated by Michael Whitby, Liverpool: Liverpool university press, 2000. ↑
– Chronicon Paschale, Translated with introduction and notes by Michael and Mary Whitby, Liverpool university press, 2007, second impression. ↑
– Antiochu Strategos, »Account of the Sack of Jerusalem in A. D. 614«, tr. Fredrick C. Conybeare, The English Historical Review, 25 (July 1910), 502-517. ↑
-Theodore Syncellus, On the siege of Constantinopole, Analecta Avarica, ed. L. Sternbach, Krakow: 1900. ↑
– John of Nikiu, The Chronicle of John Bishop of Nikiu, tr. R. H. Charles, London: Williams and Norgate, 1913. ↑
– Nikephorus, Patriarch of Constantinople Short History, translation and commentary by Cyril Mango, Washington: Dumbarton Oaks, 1990. ↑
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[یکشنبه 1401-04-05] [ 10:51:00 ب.ظ ]